  • Acronuts: Fred Nunes
  • Fitnesslifestylesport

Acronuts: Fred Nunes

Brazilian born Fred Nunes has been in Sydney for 10 years, originally visiting Australia just for the short term. However, Fred loved Australia so much and said he saw so much opportunity here, that he's been here ever since! Now having lived in Bondi for the past 6 and a half years, he's helped bring Acro Yoga to Bondi Beach and is a familiar face down at the outdoor fitness gym...

How did Acronuts come about?

I had a couple of friends who did acro yoga, and one day they asked me to help spot them. I didn't really know what I was doing to be honest, but It was fun working out what to do, and I thought, I would want to go to a class like this! And that’s how acronuts came about. I thought let's create a group of people that train together and that also allows them to socialise better. There was no where really for chidren or females to be involved, so decided we needed something to encourage women or guys, that perhaps weren’t super fit or muscly. Let's create a group that’s linked to the acrobatics, the yoga and the calisthenics, not a space that could be intimidating, but is fun and fully involving.

Have you always been into your health and fitness?

Yeah it's pretty much been a way of life for me. My Dad always used to take me to sports when I was young, he was always making sure I ate healthy food and every type of veggie! I've always worked for nudie juices and been into health, so this lifestyle is what I'm all about! Soccer is pretty big in Brazil so it's nice to allow access to different sports for everyone.  Sport's my passion really, in my free time I do the Bondi Beach Bar Brutes and acro yoga and still do my personal training as well. My body has taken a few injuries, so occasionally have to be careful about doing something out of my comfort zone. I try to pace my self in my training, which is hard when you're doing something you love! 

Why do you think Bondi has embraced it so well?

It’s just a healthy atmosphere. There are a lot of backpackers and a lot of tourists that come to the area, to the ‘famous bondi beach’, most are young and fit and willing so when they get sucked in by the Bondi bubble, which is a big health and fitness bubble, everyone wants to train, go out and eat breakfast, it just goes with the lifestyle.

What's different about Acro Yoga? 

It's something fun whilst training at the same time. You can train in a different way and don't even notice that you're training for an hour and a half. You get a lot of benefits from training whilst having fun. You're lifting a weight of a human being and using different muscles. It can also be quite freestyle as well, so you can also use the bars to do what you like.  We often have competitions along with Bondi Beach Bar Brutes with a freestyle element involved. 

How would you like to see Acronuts develop? 

I would like to see it as a group of friends who train together with lots of different backgrounds, and very gymnastics based. I prefer it to be more acrobatics than the yoga part. I tend to drive it that way, and it's definitely evolved that way. It's grown very well. A lot of people know about it in America! there's a friend of mine in Brazil who has also started it there, as well as a friend in Japan wanting to start it there and again in Europe some friends whom are trying it out. It's quite overwhelming at the moment as i'm trying to decide where I want it to go and how i want to progress with it.  I'm still spending money on Acronuts and haven't made any profit from it, and don't charge for it, but I like where it's currently at and am excited to see how it will evolve.   

Acronuts meets every Sunday when the weather's nice! Located on the grass near the Bondi Beach fitness gym. To learn more about acro yoga and how to get involved follow @acronuts on Instagram and on Facebook


  • Fitnesslifestylesport