  • Meet: Scott 'Waxa' Robinson
  • localssurf

Meet: Scott 'Waxa' Robinson

Scott Robinson was born and bred on the salt air of Bondi Beach. It comes as no surprise that the business project manager fills any spare minute investing in what was once a hobby and has swiftly become a second job.

Under the pseudonym, WAXA, Scott designs and handcrafts longboards that call up a 1950s style of shaping, “I’m sort of into the 40s and 50s style. Back then there were a lot of bold colours and really clean cuts. The boards you see now are getting messier and messier”.

This preference has seen him stray away from mass-producing his boards towards a niche market. Capturing the nostalgic sensibilities of Bondi’s older generation of surfers is certainly what kicked WAXA off the ground. However, Scott has quickly garnered a cult-like following amongst younger surfers up and down the east coast.

Campbell & Hall hit the road to visit Scott’s Taren Point workspace – a world away from Bondi – where we got an inside look into the world of WAXA:

When and why did you start making surfboards?
I started making boards in 2007. I had just come back from a year overseas and couldn’t afford buying a new board, so decided to make one myself. The local guys were pretty keen on my boards and in-turn, kept me motivated over the years.

What boards have become your signature?
WAXA is predominately known for the heavy single fin logs.

And when people think of WAXA, what do you want them to know the brand for?
Hopefully, I’m known for transplanting the designs and maintaining quality material and workmanship across all my boards.

When you think of the Bondi lifestyle – how would you describe it?
Aimlessly wandering the fringes avoiding the fluctuating masses of people.

What are your go-to summer styles?
Basic shorts, shirt and no shoes.

In Bondi, where do you go for:
Food? Anywhere that isn’t on Campbell Parade
Coffee? Gertrude & Alice
Drinks? Mamasan
  • Post author
    Kashmir Brummel
  • localssurf